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Nikola Fölster >
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Defending Freedom, Defining Freedom: Era of Segregation 1876-1968
Washington, DC (USA) > Dauerausstellung ab 24.09.2016
This exhibition takes visitors from the end of Reconstruction through the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It is rich with history and artifacts that capture the major aspects of the ongoing struggle by the nation in general and African Americans in particular to define and make real the meaning of freedom. The exhibition illustrates how African Americans not only survived the challenges set before them, but crafted an important role for themselves in the nation, and how the nation was changed as a consequence of these struggles.
Textquelle: Museumswebsite
Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
African American History and Culture Museum
15th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC
weitere Infos: www.si.edu/Exhibitions/Details/Defending-Freedom-Defining-Freedom-Era-of-Segregation-1876-1968-4841
Historic Textiles
Charleston (USA) > Dauerausstellung
In the Historic Textiles Gallery, the Museum features regularly rotating exhibits from its rich historic textiles and clothing collection, one of the finest in the southeastern United States.
Textquelle: Museumswebsite
Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
The Charleston Museum
360 Meeting Street
Charleston SC 29403
weitere Infos: www.charlestonmuseum.org/exhibits/