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LOUVRE COUTUREArt and fashion: statement pieces
Paris (F) > 25.01. - 21.07.2025
Although we have known since the days of Paul Cézanne that ‘the Louvre is the book from which we learn to read’, this inexhaustible wellspring of inspiration has also nourished one of contemporary art’s liveliest domains: the world of fashion. More and more, research and monographs dedicated to the greats of fashion have boldly begun to trace aesthetic family trees, establishing these figures in a historical and artistic context. The pattern is not merely one of disruptions, with various degrees of radical innovation, or of seasonal changes, but also one of echoes and evocations. The threads weaving their way between the work of great fashion figures and the world of art are almost endless, and the history of art as expressed by the Musée du Louvre, in the depth of its collections and in the ways it reflects the tastes of days gone by, is an equally vast terrain of influences and sources. In consideration of the Louvre’s encyclopaedic immensity, this exhibition follows a methodological approach geared towards exploring the history of decorative styles, art professions and ornamentation through the galleries of the Department of Decorative Arts, where textiles are omnipresent – though generally in tapestries and other décor items rather than in articles of clothing. Over a nearly 9,000-square-metre space, 65 designs are displayed, along with a number of accessories, newly illuminating the close historical dialogue that continues to take place between the world of fashion and the department’s greatest masterpieces, from Byzantium to the Second Empire. Each of these garments and accessories is on special loan from the most iconic fashion houses, both long-standing and recent, in Paris and throughout the world. The pieces will not be displayed aimlessly throughout the Department of Decorative Arts, but rather will serve as an occasion to highlight existing parallels: the department owes part of its collection to the generosity of great fashion figures, from Jacques Doucet to Madame Carven. These countless connections embrace common methodological ground in the fields of art history and fashion: knowledge of ancestral techniques, visual culture and the subtle interplay of references, from the catalogue raisonné of the museum to the moodboard of the fashion world. ‘Louvre Couture’ offers a new perspective on decorative arts through the prism of contemporary fashion design.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Department of Decorative Arts
107 Rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
weitere Infos: www.louvre.fr/en/exhibitions-and-events/exhibitions/louvre-couture

Dior - La Galerie
Paris ( F) > bis 04.05.2025
La Galerie Dior mit ihrem einzigartigen szenografischen Narrativ verkörpert den Geist der Pariser Haute Couture, während sie gleichzeitig die Erinnerung an diese historische Adresse aufrechterhält. Treten Sie ein in die 30 Avenue de Montaigne - der Ort den Christan Dior mit einem Bienestock verglich und an dem der Mythos Dior vor 75 Jahren geboren wurde.
Der Reichtum der Maison durch die Arbeit von Dior und seinen 6 Nachfolgern entdecken. Bis zum 4. Mai zeigt eine neue Ausstellung die enge Beziehung zwischen Dior und Fotograf Peter Lindbergh.
Text - und Bildquelle: Galeriewebsite
La Galeria Dior
11 Rue François 1er
75008 Paris
weitere Infos: www.galeriedior.com/de

Clothes & Couture
Borås (S) > Dauerausstellung
Clothes & Couture tells the story of the creation of Swedish everyday fashion, which was inspired by the couture exhibitions held in Paris between the 1930s and 1970s. We welcome you to a retrospective exhibition about the Borås company Bröderna Magnusson (‘the Magnusson Brothers’), and its journey through fashion history. In the ‘Clothes & Couture’ exhibition, the Textile Museum of Sweden shows how twentieth-century Paris fashion was reinterpreted to create practical clothes for women in Sweden. The exhibition how the Borås company Bröderna Magnusson Damkonfektionsfabrik AB, like many others in the business, took their inspiration from the undisputed capital of fashion: Paris. The manufacture of and trade in ready-made clothes developed during the twentieth century to become one of Sweden’s staple industries. The town of Borås and the surrounding area became a centre for the ready-made clothing industry, and the garments produced here were sold all over the country. One of the companies was Bröderna Magnusson’s, which manufactured womenswear at a somewhat higher price point, featuring advanced cuts and hand-sewn details. All clothes were designed by the company’s head of design, Ylva Segh, who regularly visited the couture shows in Paris. Bröderna Magnusson’s paid great attention to detail, and the garments were produced using a high level of craftsmanship despite being made in a factory. The Textile Museum of Sweden has created slideshows showing the details of the clothing, and developed patterns based on selected garments that have been transformed into three-dimensional animations so as to show visitors how they were constructed. For those who enjoy sewing themselves, there will be sewing patterns available for purchase. These include the useful ‘Pop-Around’ dress from 1953, which was marketed as an everyday, house and party dress. The exhibition was designed in collaboration with the paper artist Bea Szenfeld and includes both large and small installations by her, inspired by the themes of the exhibition.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Skaraborgsvägen 3A,
weitere Infos: textilmuseet.se/en/exhibitions/exhibitions/2022-03-03-clothes--couture

The Art of Transformation
Oslo (NO) > Dauerausstellung
On stage, anything is possible! Through the illusions made by the actors and the audience’s imaginations, time and space are transformed: an ordinary woman becomes a supernatural being, and decorative buttons turn into gems. In this exhibition, you can see original props and costumes used in historical plays by well-known writers such as Ludvig Holberg and Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. Original stage design models from productions of Ibsen and Shakespeare plays demonstrate how scenography has changed over time. Discover treasures from our collection of costumes and stage design models, spanning from 18th century Christiania through interwar Paris and up to our own time.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite (© Mari Rosenberg)
Veranstalter/ Ort
Halvdan Svartes gate 58
0266 Oslo
weitere Infos: www.oslomuseum.no/en/whats-on/the-art-of-transformation/

MODA - Moroccan Fashion Statements
Utrecht (NL) > 02.10.2024 - 02.03.2025
The exhibition MOḌA, the common word in Moroccan to refer to fashion, centres on the makers and presents the artistic work and personal stories of cutting-edge designers and artists from Morocco and the Moroccan diaspora in the Netherlands. These game changers led the way for several generations of makers, enthusiasts and consumers, far beyond the national borders of Morocco. MOḌA. Moroccan Fashion Statements is the result of a joint initiative by DAR Cultural Agency and Centraal Museum. The versatility of the exhibition and the Moroccan fashion world is demonstrated through various themes. ‘Monumental’ presents the striking designs by for instance Sara Chraibi, Daily Paper, New Tangier and MAISON ARTC, while in ‘Cosmopolitan’, the rural and urban worlds merge, as observed through the eyes of multidisciplinary artists. Here, videos, photographs and textile art reveal the stories of groundbreaking creative makers such as Joseph Ouechen and Meryem Slimani. The theme of ‘Amazigh Hair Heritage’ is the result of a unique collaboration with the world-famous hair stylist Ilham Mestour. ‘Friendship’ focuses on the iconic Tamy Tazi and her friendship with Yves Saint Laurent. In the 1960s and 70s, Tazi was part of the avant-garde of Moroccan fashion with her innovative application of embroidery. Specifically for this exhibition, Hassan Hajjaj created an Intermezzo: a lounge space for personal encounter, inspired by his new space JAJJAH in Marrakesh. In this intermezzo space visitors can find a selection of books curated by Yasmina Naji of Kulte Editions: Morocco’s only independent publisher of art books. In ‘Artists & Artisans’, the focus is on the manufacturing process, with designs by Fadila el Gadi and others, and new work by both Mina Abouzahra and Said Mahrouf. The exhibition comprises about one hundred objects, curated across seven themes ranging from cosmopolitan to monumental. Together they tell transhistorical, intercultural and personal stories from the perspective of fashion.
From hyperlocal to international MOḌA presents stories from the Moroccan diaspora in the Netherlands as well as of creative makers in Morocco. The exhibition shows that these groups are not worlds apart, but that they mutually inspire and influence each other. MOḌA captures the many layers and complexity of Moroccan cultures, through the different art forms and perspectives and the statements and questions posed by the makers.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Centraal Museum Utrecht
Agnietenstraat 1
3512 XA Utrecht
weitere Infos: www.centraalmuseum.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/moda

Nike: Form Follows Motion
Weill am Rhein (D) > 21.09.24 - 18.05.25
Mit »Nike: Form Follows Motion« präsentiert das Vitra Design Museum die erste Museumsschau über Nike, die größte Sportmarke weltweit. Die Ausstellung verfolgt den Aufstieg des Unternehmens von einem lokalen Start-up zu einem globalen Phänomen und legt den Fokus auf Nikes faszinierende Designgeschichte. Diese reicht von den experimentellen Anfängen in den 1960er-Jahren und dem Entwurf des berühmten »Swoosh«-Logos Anfang der 1970er über Innovationen wie die Air-Sohle bis hin zu aktuellen Forschungen zu Nachhaltigkeit und neuen Materialien. Zugleich untersucht die Ausstellung die Rolle des Sports in unserer Gesellschaft sowie die fast mythische Verehrung von Sneakers und Sportmode in Popkultur und sozialen Medien. »Nike: Form Follows Motion« schließt damit an einen Sommer der sportlichen Großereignisse an, der von den Olympischen- sowie Paralympischen Spielen in Paris und der Fussball-Europameisterschaft in Deutschland geprägt ist. Die Ausstellung wurde vom Vitra Design Museum initiiert und produziert; Kurator ist der international renommierte Designhistoriker Glenn Adamson. Gestaltet wurde die Ausstellung vom Londoner Architektur- und Designstudio JA Projects.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Vitra Design Museum
Charles-Eames-Str. 2
79576 Weil am Rhein
weitere Infos: www.design-museum.de/de/ausstellungen/aktuelle-ausstellungen.html

Lise Gujer. Eine neue Art zu malen
Berlin (D) > 07.12.2024 - 16.03.2025
1922 lernt Lise Gujer (1893–1967) den Brücke-Künstler Ernst Ludwig Kirchner im Schweizer Luftkurort Davos kennen. Kurz nach der Begegnung beginnt sie nach seinen Entwürfen großformatige Bildteppiche zu fertigen, die Kirchner als „neue Art zu malen“ begeistern. Die farbenprächtigen und bildnerisch komplexen Textilien zeigen die Schweizer Bergwelt mit ihren Tieren und Menschen. Auch dem Thema Tanz sind einige Teppiche gewidmet. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gujer und Kirchner hält bis zu dessen Suizid im Juni 1938 an. Erst 15 Jahre später, Anfang der 1950er-Jahre setzt Gujer ihr Arbeiten am Webstuhl fort, sie löst sich weiter von Kirchners Vorzeichnungen und schafft neue Variationen bisheriger Motive. Die Ausstellung zeigt mehr als zwanzig ihrer Bildteppiche sowie zahlreiche Vorzeichnungen Kirchners.
Ziel dieser Ausstellung ist es Gujers Autorinnenschaft in den Vordergrund zu stellen und damit ihren Platz in der Geschichte des Expressionismus anzuerkennen. Nach über 20 Jahren ist dies die erste Präsentation, die sich dem Werk der lange übersehenen Textilkünstlerin widmet.
Ergänzt wird die Präsentation um einen Vermittlungsraum, in dem Techniken und Materialien der Weberei vorgestellt werden. Eine experimentelle Webstation der Künstler*innengruppe traces lädt zudem zum kollektiven Weben ein. Anfassen und mitmachen sind hier ausdrücklich erlaubt! Das Material zum Weben kann selbst gewählt und der Rahmen kann von allen Seiten bearbeitet werden.
Zur Ausstellung erscheint die Publikation Lise Gujer. Eine neue Art zu malen. Herausgegeben von Stephan Kunz und Lisa Marei Schmidt, mit Texten u.a. von Inka Gressel, Romina Ebenhöch und Bettina Niekamp sowie Eberhard W. Kornfeld, Scheidegger & Spiess, 192 Seiten, 35 Euro.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Bussardsteig 9
14195 Berlin
weitere Infos: www.bruecke-museum.de/de/programm/ausstellungen/

Costumed balls Dressing up history, 1870-1927
Montreal (CA) > 14.11.2024 - 17.08.2025
A century and a half ago, the costumed balls and extravagant skating carnivals were the pinnacle of worldly entertainment and staged a kaleidoscopic fantasy suit. However, behind their anachronistic exuberance, these balls reinforced the founding myths of the Empire's colonial destiny and future. This exhibition captures the splendour of the entertainments where each one and everyone transformed, for the time of an evening, into a fanciful character inspired by history. She gives an extraordinary account of these lavish events through some of the most striking objects in the museum's collections. It is rare that, in the same exhibition space, so many 19th century clothes designed for ephemeral use, as well as the photographs of the people who put them on, can be admired. Similarly, it is rare to see captured by photographers of the time the humor and eccentricity of those who participated in these grandiose evenings, the lightness then often being absent from public performances. The invitation to reinvent oneself in an alter ego, inspired by history or fantasy, represented a unique opportunity requiring research, expense and a visit to the photographic studio. The exhibition examines in depth the objects that preserve the memory of these historical balls, making astute digital use to unveil the secrets for the great pleasure of the contemporary public. More than 40 dazzling clothes, but also photographs of the costume people and memorabilia publications restore the pomp of these prestigious events. This exhibition and the accompanying book are the culmination of a research project of unusual scope based on the wealth and strengths of the McCord Stewart Museum’s collections. These made astonishing discoveries now revealed to the public for the first time.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Musee McCord Stewart Montreal
McCord Stewart Museum
690 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, H3A 1E9
weitere Infos: www.musee-mccord-stewart.ca/fr/expositions/bals-costumes/

Caprile Lorenzo
Madrid (E) > 16.10.2024 - 30.03.2025
The Canal Hall of Isabel II hosts the exhibition "Caprile Lorenzo," a journey through the life and work of the dressmaker Lorenzo Caprile, through his most iconic dresses, which have already become History of Fashion. The exhibition starts from the premise of separating the dressmaker from the person in order to understand his trajectory and creations from the beginning, from the essence, from his inspirations, obsessions, influences and passions. It has more than 100 pieces of Haute couture, accompanied by an important selection of works of art by great masters of painting such as Francisco de Zurbarán, Juan Pantoja de la Cruz, Antonio Joli de Dipi, Federico de Madrazo, Erasmus Quellinus, Agustín Esteve or Ramón Casas y Carbó who approach a particular concept of beauty that will allow to better understand his creative impulse, his trajectory in Fashion, and with all this, himself. Its most iconic dresses and creations are presented in an organic way, without attending to a chronological criterion, seeking a constant dialogue between them, outside the category to which they correspond (wedding fashion, performing arts, red carpet, etc.) or the year of its creation, to join in the exhibition space from its inspiring source. Italy, present in its roots, in its soul and in its heart, a constant, fundamental and necessary inspiration to understand its vital and creative universe. The Baroque, that unlimited creativity and the perfect accomplice in his relationship with another of his great passions, the theater. Modists such as Madame Grés, Chanel, Givenchy, Flora Villareal, Perdro Rodriguez, Valentino or Thierry Mugler, great masters of the 20th century who have inevitably influenced their way of feeling and conceiving fashion as an artistic expression. Romanticism, the incessant search for beauty in a permanent evocation of delicacy and elegance in each stitch. Cinema, fascination, glamour, but above all the possibility of telling stories, traveling in time and dreaming through the great divas of the celluloid. Inspirations all of them that have forged the dressmaker that is today, and that have their reflection in a series of works from other creative fields such as painting, decorative arts, photography or elements typical of stage in the performing arts. Haute couture and art that intuitively order the exhibition story. Everything is reflected, hidden, merged, affirmed or contradicted in his work. Caprile is Lorenzo, and Lorenzo is Caprile in every dress.
Text - und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Elizabeth II Canal Hall
Calle de Sta Engracia, 125
Chamberí, 28003 Madrid
weitere Infos: www.comunidad.madrid/actividades/2024/exposicion-caprile-lorenzo

En Scène: Yves Saint Laurent
Rome (I) > 06.12.2024 - 06.03.2025
This extraordinary exhibition, which brings to Rome for the first time a selection of drawings and sketches of costumes and décors for the ballet, theater and music hall by the renowned fashion legend, Yves Saint Laurent (1936–2008), traces the designer’s deep, lifelong passion for the entertainment world. The works presented are on loan from the vast collection of textiles, drawings, photographs and documents housed at the Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris / Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent, Paris. Some sixty drawings are on display, representing models of sets and costumes dating from 1959, for the ballet Cyrano de Bergerac, to 1978, the year Jean Cocteau’s play L’Aigle à deux têtes was presented at the Théâtre de l’Athénée. Music hall is also illustrated by various sketches, including those for Le spectacle Zizi Jeanmaire, which premiered at Rome’s Teatro Eliseo in November 1963. Yves Saint Laurent, who is universally recognized as one of the greatest fashion designers of the twentieth century, influenced generations of artists and left an indelible mark on international culture. Even as a child, the future couturier greatly admired the theater and dreamed of joining the world of show business. In 1950 in Oran, his hometown in Algeria, the young Saint Laurent attended a performance of Molière’s L’école des femmes by Louis Jouvet (1887–1951) and his theatrical company. It was then that he discovered the magic of theater; he was fascinated by the enchanting costumes and sets designed by the painter Christian Bérard (1902–1949), who became a kind of idol for him. His education, along with discoveries and encounters over the years to come, steered him into the world of fashion, where he met Christian Dior―his first and only employer―who encouraged him to always remain curious, to go to the theater, see exhibitions and attend concerts. While Dior immediately understood the young Saint Laurent’s commercial talent, it was the choreographer Roland Petit who discovered his artistic potential for the entertainment world. He commissioned Yves Saint Laurent’s first costumes―for the ballet Cyrano de Bergerac in 1959―and would remain a close friend of the couturier, helping him overcome his dismissal from the House of Dior in 1960 and supporting him when Yves Saint Laurent’s own fashion house was launched in 1962. Over the course of just two years, he entrusted the young couturier with the designing of costumes and décors for as many as eight ballets. Yves Saint Laurent’s friendship with Roland Petit’s wife, the famous ballet dancer Zizi Jeanmaire, resulted in myriad iconic creations, such as the Mon truc en plumes, a costume from 1961, which was recently paid homage to by Lady Gaga at the opening of the Paris Olympic Games.
Text- und Bildquelle: Museumswebsite
Veranstalter/ Ort
Via Francesco Crispi, 18
weitere Infos: fondazionenicoladelroscio.it/en/en-scene-yves-saint-laurent/
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